Colleen and
Picture Magic


Jordan P.
My big project was working on doll clothes and accessories which I planned to bring to a national convention. Unfortunately, the picture I had from my cell phone of the doll and its clothes was less than perfect for a focal point in my booth. Colleen worked with it, ultimately turning it into black and white and made more enhancements. I ended up with a beautiful picture showing off my work!

Eldyn P.
I had a cell picture of my backhoe I'm working on in my shop. The picture was poorly lighted and a bit fuzzy. Colleen worked with it, cleaned it up, made it bigger and gave me a print so I could show my friends what I was working on, I could keep it in my wallet. She also made a 13 x 19 glass framed picture I could put up on my wall, it was more than I expected but I love it!  

Chad A.
I need a new business card as I was doing stone masonry and people liked my work. I had pictures from my cell, but they weren't exactly right for a card. I sent some pictues to Colleen and she did her magic on them, I love my card and get lots of compliments. My work shines!  

Bill P.
Colleen took my picture with my grill, and fixed it for my business card back. She also cleaned up another picture I loved but it had a messy background. I used it for my business card front. The card looks great! She does good work.  

Sue O.
My daughter painted a picture which I love, but she gave it to a friend. Colleen scanned it and printed it for me at a larger size, it's now on my wall! It looks perfect and has a lovely border.